
What is addiction? Can i control it? What will be the side effects? How much time will it take? Etc etc 

OK Lets face it Addiction is the hardest urge to control. 
BUT the good news is that it can be controlled with motivation and homeopathic remedies. 

Addiction means uncontrollable urge for any substance be it coffee or heroine etc. It varies in intensity, side effects and degree of its acceptance. 

Lets start from beginning that is the root cause. In 98 percent people the root cause is being unhappiness. Example unhappy childhood or unhappy adulthood etc. So they use drugs to fight with the pain they felt at some stage in life. That means they use substance abuse to withdraw themselves from such environment/circumstances. Due to the viscous cycle it causes alteration in brain leading to more stronger and stronger impulse for substance abuse and it becomes more and more difficult to handle this urge and it keeps on growing to deeper levels.

Coming for the most important part that is the RECOVERY part :

# Find someone trustworthy and talk about it (family, friends, physician etc)

# Avoid going to the events where you will get the urge back.

# Divert your mind to the group of activities of your interest ( Eg You can try travelling and making new friends). Always remember you are NOT WEAK. It is just a phase of time. 

# Nutritional support is required to remove the deficiencies from inside so that the recovery is full and final.

# Rule out other disease conditions, if any observed. It has been observed that people who take certain drugs since long time are seen with certain disorders such as hypoglycemia, vitamin B deficiency, liver malfunction, depression etc

# This is what i have observed, one can overcome the process of being depressed by helping others. It can boost our confidence.

#Last but not the least Homeopathic aid of medicines after proper case taking. The most important point is homeopathy has NO side effects. And the duration of treatment depends upon the intensity of harm done to the body. 

There are many homeopathic remedies which can help. Like # Nux. Vom. - this remedy helps our body to detoxify from harmful effects of drugs, caffeine, narcotics, prescription drugs. # Avena Sativa - This remedy is helpful for alcohol addiction/ morphine addiction. Causticum - This remedy is for ailments from shocking news which leads to paralyzing of  emotions. Phosphoric Acid - This remedy is for people who have lost the spark of life, want of space, hair fall, Insomnia, Loss of memory. There are certain Bach Flower remedies too which helps in controlling the urge for addiction. Biochemic Medicines are also helpful for balancing certain salts in our body.